Monday, September 05, 2005

It's so nice to feel welcomed :)

Today I went with a few friends to a picnic one of the girls from church was having... It was a really nice and fun time. Alot of us talked about how people right now are kinda confused as to which way God is taking them..... Its nice that I'm not the only one.... it's also nice to be part of a church that accepts that God may lead people in directions other than the normal ways life takes people. When I went to CFC up in PA, it was a great church and I have nothing against them.... but I always seemed to be a bit of an outcast because of things I did that I felt God was calling me to do. It's not like that here and I really believe God is going to use me in a great way and that I will have people behind me in that.... Up in PA, I knew God was going to use me but I didnt feel that anyone would be behind me.... so I'm glad I'm in VA and I'm glad I'm a part of New Life...... and I'm also glad for the friendships I am building. I already feel that I have more loyal friendships down here than I ever had up in PA.... In fact, I think I just lost one of my friends from PA. I said something stupid while I was in all the pain I was in.... I sent an email apologizing and send a couple IM's but never heard from him.... but I've been here before... and God is blessing me with some great friendships so I'm not going to worry. It's all in God's hands.

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